Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Post

Well, as our little family will be growing from 2 people to 3 people in a matter of 5 1/2 months I realized that this is definately going to be an easier way to update our dear family & friends with what's new in our life. I realize that it may not be the most personal way, but I've given in to the blog. Can't wait to hear from you!


Ruth said...

Your wedding photo on your blog reminded me again of the lovely day we had that day -can it really be more then 2 years ago? After stopping in at the Sheraton last Friday it just brought back fond memories of your special day.
Well congrats on starting a blog.
Love, MoM

Tara said...

Welcome to the world of blogging ;) Seriously though, it's an awesome way to update people and it worked really well for us after we had Noah. Keep checking ours and we'll check yours too. Hope all is going well with work, school, baby, etc. We miss you both!

Janelle said...

welcome to the crazy blogging world! :) can't wait to hear all about your adventures as a Mommy! :) Blessings!!

Bonnie said...

Welcome here Kim! I'm really looking forward to keeping up with what's going on in your lives and watching as you "grow" :) Cuz we're definitely going to want to see prego pictures! Anyway...take care and be sure to stop by our blog to say hi sometime! Love ya!

Cinnabon said...

Hey Kim & Jesse!

Personally I think this is a great idea! It'll be cool to be able to keep up with you busy people and watch you bloom into Motherhood!

Thanks for including us!
Love, Auntie Bon

Unknown said...

you already know how I feel about blogs, but I have to say yours is really cute and I'm sure I will frequent it regularly. I'm coming to Saskatoon for the last time before I move this Wednesday so we should try to get together, I miss you.

love ya

Deb said...

Hey Kim and Jesse just thought I would dorp you a line and wish you all the best as you anticipate your new little cutie to this world. God Bless,love Auntie Deb

Cyndy said...

Oh good. You've hopped on the bandwagon. Hey, I'm just as guilty as the next person. I love it. It's a great way to keep people posted and to share your pics too - and yes, we DO wanna see some pics real soon! So get posting! Seriosuly, we need to get together again sometime soon. Hopefully after I'm back from my holidays. We'll touch base then. But in the meantime, feel free to hit me back through my blog or facebook. Miss you today. Wondering how the pregnancy's going. Can't wait to chat again soon.
Love, Cyn

Amy Smith said...

Yeah! Now I'm not the only internet dork in the fab four!!

Raschel said...

Heh, this is great! I would love to hop on a flight and rub your belly, you know me with bellies and babies!!! LOVE EM!!!! When I read your mom's comments it brought me back to my fun filled night in Saskatoon! Take care!